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Madelynne Colteaux


From a young age Madelynne  has been on the back of a horse. Her mother and avid dressage rider had her around horses as soon as possible and before she could walk, she was riding. Over the years, Madelynne explored and competed in many disciplines but ultimately fell in love with dressage.

Madelynne worked and trained under USDF Gold medalist Pamela Andrews for over 4 years. During this time she achieved her USDF Bronze medal and worked with a wide variety or horses and riders. From young horses to FEI horses, she experienced it all.

Madelynne currently has her USDF Silver Medal and is working towards her USDF Gold Medal with International Grand Prix Dressage trainer Henk Glijn. She attends weekly clinics though virtual sessions to further her learning. Madelynne also coordinate buying trips to Europe with Henk to find the perfect horse for every rider.   

Madelynne has extensive experience working with riders of all ages and strives to make the horse and rider speak the same language. Madelynne focuses on riding with a light connection working the horse forward to the bit creating a soft topline, supple body, and relaxation.



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